Enjoy the Journey

Embracing the totalness of life. You probably have heard this phrase before: life is a journey, not a destination. And it’s up to us to choose how we experience it. We can choose to only focus on the struggles and challenges, or we can also choose to embrace the joys and beauty that surround us. […]

Do What You Said You Couldn’t

Overcoming Self-Imposed Limitations. Have you ever found yourself holding back from pursuing a dream or trying something new because of limiting beliefs or self-doubt? It’s not uncommon for us to let fear and uncertainty keep us from moving towards what we really want and who we want to become. But what if we made a […]

Dare to Live

Embracing the Power of Presence. Life is short, and it’s up to us to make the most of the time we have on this planet. Sometimes, we get so caught up in the hustle and complexities of everyday life that we forget to truly live. That’s why it’s important to embrace the power of presence […]